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Old 06-17-2020, 12:49 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Pam View Post
You are correct that a lot isn't known about this disease. The reason that the original recommendation was not to wear masks was two fold: masks were needed for healthcare workers, and originally, it was not known that the virus was spread through aerosol transmission. It's understandable that you're sick of the restrictions. Who isn't? But being sick of something doesn't give people the right to put other people at risk. Maybe you're right, and all this caution is for nothing. But is that really your decision to make in public spaces at this point in time, when the disease is showing a clear comeback in some parts of this country (based on hospitalizations and not just number of positive cases)? I would say no. I would say that's irresponsible. But obviously you're free to do what you want. Here's an article from Science Daily about the effectiveness of masks. I expect you think it's fake news, but for what it's worth:
We are making this up as we go. At first, we were told that we need to stay home to flatten the curve and not overwhelm healthcare workers. This was supposed to last two weeks. This has turned into a three-month nightmare where far more damage has been caused by destroying businesses and putting people out of work. It is now about control. There is no evidence that our actions have flattened the curve, prevented deaths, etc. In fact, it seems like we got things backwards. We forced healthy people to stay at home and exposed old and compromised people to the virus.

Unless it is a law, it is my decision to make whether to wear a mask, social distance, etc. I haven't worn a mask or social distanced. I've used common sense, and am doing just fine. When my mom came back from Florida, me and my family members have been careful around her since she is compromised. You seem to enjoy being treated like a child. I do not.

The government hacks and politicians making the decisions for us have NO stake in the matter. None of them to the best of my knowledge have missed a paycheck. Dr. Fraud's government organization (NIAID) is guaranteed funding for the next 20+ years. The biggest political whopper (other than "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor" or "if you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance") is that we are all in this together. My son, who has been furloughed since the beginning of this nonsense, has suffered far more than the government hacks and the politicians. Small business owners have suffered far more than government hacks and politicians. And for what?! A failed social experiment, which proves that the American people do not value liberty. I am disgusted by all this.
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