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Old 06-17-2020, 10:04 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by Major View Post
I have never worn a mask in a grocery store or anywhere else for that matter, except when I go into my office in Boston and when I've gone to the dentist and doctor because I have to. It is all nonsense. Prior to the so-called pandemic, I was respectful of other people. Nothing has changed. Generally speaking, I don't invade spaces, and try real hard not to sneeze, cough, breath, etc. on other people when in public. You are worried about masks being worn. Are you as worried about other people picking up and replacing items that you eventually touch? Are you concerned about the countless people who have touched all of the items in the store just to get them on the shelf?

I prefer to stick to Dr. Fraud's first recommendation - that masks are ineffective. You are feeding into and believing the hysteria generated by the media and social media. However, if you are scared and anxious, I recommend that you wear a mask to give you the feeling that you are being safe. As Hill stated, the rest of us are sick of the restrictions. Enough is enough. We have done our share. Let's get back to normalcy ASAP. Disappointingly, this will be impossible since the so-called pandemic has become a political issue. CNN reports that Chinese coronavirus cases are spiking in Georgia, Florida and Texas. Fake news. We learned that fighting the so-called pandemic is a joke when rioting and looting is encouraged.
While I agree with most of what you are saying, to decided that the spikes being see around the country, in states where they are lifting restrictions is "fake news" is not true. Now where the news is likely to embellish a bit, is just how bad is the resurgence, compared to the initial onset. Those numbers have not be presented. I am expecting to see an up tic in number in Mass. Starting next week. Now when will I get concerned. I am not sure. Currently I am not concerned, I knew that as businesses opened back up, and people got out and about, another spike was going to be natural.
Life is about how much time you can spend relaxing... I do it on an island that isn't really an island.....
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