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Old 04-24-2020, 08:55 PM   #137
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Originally Posted by 4 for Boating View Post
Seems like we are starting to find out that people were infected weeks before the alarm went off and the first hospital trigger. The latest estimates (Reported by NBC New York yesterday) for New York who is doing antibody testing now is that the death rate may be closer to .5. (Yes, worse than the flu - but one can only hope the number is closer to .5 than what has been reported in the past)

Going to be a lot of looking back on this down the road regarding what the best steps should have been. A lot easier to do after the fact we all know that.

One thing that jumps out to me is the sad aspect around nursing homes and how disproportionally they have been hit with the most susceptible population. One quarter of the deaths in NY have been at such institutions. Very, very sad.
Today's Globe reported 49 people dead of covid in a single nursing home a couple of miles from my house. Their website gives total capacity as 135 beds. It's just horrific.
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