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Old 07-03-2020, 10:39 AM   #2
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Default Opportunity to defend myself

In response to Sailing, who posted --

"I'm confused. (1) Why do so many here applaud a member who continually refers to the "so-called pandemic" as if it weren't real, when there have been 10.5 million cases worldwide and more than 500,000 deaths, with the US leading the pack with 130,000 deaths? That (US deaths) is 43 times more than the number of people who died on 9/11. It's twice as many deaths as US soldiers killed in Vietnam---with the difference that US involvement in the Vietnam War lasted 8 years (= 7250 US casualties per year) while US COVID-19 victims have died in only 5 months (= 312,000 per year)! Obviously this pandemic is far more lethal than some wars. Do you not think that denying the existence of a pandemic is a bit dangerous for society and your own survival?

"(2) Is there no forum policy that would prevent someone from posting dangerous misinformation claiming that the pandemic isn't real? Isn't that sort of like claiming that cancer isn't real?

"As I always say (though I'm usually not believed), I am NOT making a political statement because the virus itself is a matter of science and medicine, not politics. (The response to it is political, but the virus itself is not.) My questions are serious, not trolling. I'm baffled."

You think it's dangerous, I do not. You reference cancer. I am glad you did. Each year in the U.S. nearly 600,000 people die from cancer, yet we sell tobacco products, fatty foods, processed foods, and all sorts of things that can give you cancer. Cancer is far more dangerous than the Chinese coronavirus, yet our national response is to live and let live.

In this case, the raw numbers are similar to H1N1, with the glaring exception of U.S. deaths (not total deaths). I am not sure whether the U.S. deaths are unusually high because of fraudulent reporting, lumping in of flu, hospice and other causes of deaths, the unhealthiness of Americans, the mishandling of nursing homes and retirement facilities, etc. The important thing to understand is that we did nearly NOTHING about H1N1. Zilch, and we were okay.

You talk about "dangerous." You are kidding, right? Because I have a different opinion about the government's handling of the Chinese coronavirus, my view is "dangerous?!" Regarding my own survival, it is statistically impossible for me to die of the Chinese coronavirus. I am 55 years old and in relatively good health. In the U.S. under 150 people under the age of 50 have died, and nearly every one had an underlying condition, e.g., morbid obesity or diabetes.

In fact, within my universe of family, friends, co-workers and acquaintances, I know of only ONE person who had the dreaded Chinese coronavirus. He is a 40 year old male, with a wife and five kids. This dreaded virus is SO communicable, that NONE of his family members contracted the Chinese coronavirus from him. Strange? The most deadly disease in my lifetime was prevented from being spread between 7 family members. I know this is antidotal, but we are finding out from the more data we receive that it is not very dangerous, and those to whom it is dangerous need to be careful.

I need to be careful around my mom who had COPD and my dad who had cancer. However, the responsibility to be safe is theirs and their family, not yours. To expect others to be responsible for my health and my well being is selfish. I would not expect anyone to give up their business or their livelihood just to keep ME safe.

Lastly, I will end on the fact that we have caused far more damage to Americans due to our overreaction and mishandling of this so-called pandemic. The businesses and jobs lost, the lives lost because of depriving Americans of our liberties in the end will far exceed the damage done by the Chinese coronavirus. It is not "dangerous" to offer a different viewpoint. I would not want to cancel you for your viewpoint, which I believe is "dangerous."

As you believe it is your responsibility, mine is equally important.
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