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Old 05-05-2021, 01:37 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by Outdoorsman View Post
So who would determine if you are an individual living alone or a school kid living at home? Who determines if you are supporting yourself or a single parent or a family of 15? (per your post, any basic household need to pay rent/food etc. even as a single person)

It would be impossible to adopt a "base" minimum wage based on need for the size of the family.
The determination would be done basically with the hiring process. My idea shows that the entry level minimum wage would strictly be for students up to 17 years old. Current hiring requirements need parent permission documents for 16 and 17 year old`s and working papers from the state for 14 and 15 year old`s. I believe my statement was the college age individuals would not fall in that same category however I probably wasn`t clear at all on non college 18 year old`s or over. The living wage standard should be done by each state not federally set. I include college students on the higher pay level as most of them have living, school and other expenses they are responsible for. The ones that have parents who pay everything for them are very fortunate. My whole point was to get other people thoughts regarding why every plan that gets proposed at the federal level or any government level is not given consideration to the reason for different levels of minimum wages for the reasons above.
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