Thread: The Dive?
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Old 07-31-2018, 05:33 PM   #377
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Default Dive

Originally Posted by Woodsy View Post

I am sure their original business model does not include just sitting in Smalls Cove all day selling drinks and burgers.... there is most certainly not enough business there to support the cost of the operation... especially after the initial curiosity wears off. Nor is there anywhere near the amount of parking space given its a "No Rafting" zone.

Most likely they want to work out the bugs before going all over. Also, I think they have the proper food/liquor permits for Alton, and the other towns on the lake haven't signed off yet.

That being said.... I have no sympathy at all for waterfront property owners who bought property on the borders of what is essentially a State Park.... then whine and complain about the people enjoying the park!

Some "poor" person on Sleepers Is is indignant because their view of people rafting and partying in Smalls Cove has been ruined by a party barge in Smalls Cove? Really? That's your argument?

"before going all over?" So it was established that the most likely locations are sandbars so patrons can walk to it and there is a larger concentration of patrons. So that leaves Smalls Cove, Braun Bay and Margate sandbar. It has also been established that the Margate sandbar is not possible due to bridge and beam of the Dive. So that leaves Braun Bay. By their own accounts the dive is doing well at Smalls so why would you spend the time and gas money to travel to Braun Bay? So I ask again, where else are they going to go?
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