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Old 06-30-2020, 03:40 PM   #13
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Default I don't like wearing a mask, but...

Doing nothing is not an option that is palatable to the majority, so that is not a viable answer. Staying home indefinitely is not an option. So, if wearing a mask helps, which seems to be the case (even VP Pence is encouraging masks), and being careful to maintain distance, whatever distance is deemed both effective and sustainable, then I'll do it. I realize the mask is providing limited protection for me, but by all accounts does help minimize me spreading it to others. I don't care whether I'm being a sheep, whether it is Constitutional, or how I look. I want the virus to go away.

If people can offer a more effective way of minimizing the spread than wearing masks and maintaining distance, please share. If not, please put on a mask before going into a public place and when in crowds. Masks aren't effective if only 50% of the population wears them.

I'm open to other science based solutions.

As to The Lakes Region, I liked the sign at Heaths (hardware) - basically it said out of respect for the employees, please wear a mask. Everyone except one person was doing so.
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