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Old 07-29-2020, 06:11 PM   #12
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And the real American solution should be to let the patient decide, take it, or dont take it.

All this nay-saying and personal attacks accomplish nothing.

The politics and media games are polarizing an already divided country where personal choices are dwindling every day.

This is supposed to be a country of freedom and free choice, but between the orders, rules, laws, political bullying and media manipulation of information its starting to feel like different and not a better country.

Why anyone would stand between any patient and a medication that might help them is dumbfounding. And if it doesnt work, well sorry life is not perfect, at least they tried what they wanted.

How strange is it that too often the people who oppose even the dissemination of information about HCQ are also the ones waiting for the magical vaccine what will cure us all. I just dont get this strange divide and absolute all in one camp or the other.

Based on the current media information, this will either never end, or it is almost over.

Personally had enough and just going to do what I think is right, no more wasting time on all political and media nonsense. If someone things I am not conforming enough, or going too far, sorry, you can walk a wide berth around me.

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