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Old 04-29-2009, 06:41 AM   #3
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First off the dog shouldn't be on your carpet...Period. The puppy should be confined to an area that is loaded with paper. Sounds cruel but you have to get it used to the paper. Play time should be outside or on the paper. Eating and drinking bowls should also be on the paper. If he eliminates on the carpet...DO NOT GET MAD at it. Blot up the spot with a towel or paper towels until no urine can be seen on them, Pour a glass of water on the spot. reblot, put the enzyme cleaner on. Soak well. You must get out all of the odor, as the dog will likely remark it's "Spot" if it still smells the urine, as this is now his bathroom. Hence the No puppy on the carpet thing. But remember it is not the poor things fault. It is yours! Do not try to rub the dogs nose in it. The dog will have no idea what your doing except yelling at it. Use a good enzyme based cleaner from Petco etc. Make sure you saturate the carpet and the underliner as well, as that is where the smell will come from in a few days. Another good rule of thumb is to always bring the dog outside about 15 minutes after it eats/drinks. A little sooner for a puppy. It is the average time that a dog will need to go after eating or drinking. After eating and the 15 minutes goes by get the leash out and make it seem like it is fun time with the leash. Do not let the dog chew on a leash. EVER! But like I said make it seem like it is a great thing that the leash is out and that the dog gets to go outside. The dog will eventually learn that pee/poop time is outside.
Hopefully you are alresdy doing the room full of paper, watch where it pees, remove the paper from where it doesn't, move the paper an inch a day toward the door, if the puppy still misses the paper your going to fast, thing. But you still have at least 4 more months of training. Little puppies don't have the control just yet. So patience is a virtue....Zee Germanz iz very schmaht!

Make sure to socialize the GS puppy quickly. Bring to a park where many people can pet it. Kids school, retirement home is graet if allowed. Actually that is where I love to bring my dogs. The folks love a visit. Especially with a puppy at around 6 months. Germans need socializing to keep from being aggressive and dominate. Also at around 6 months your dog will be 90-99% of its actuall mature size. So you'll know how big it is going to get, and how loud a barker it is going to be.
Have fun with your new puppy.....Patience, Patience, Patience!!!

BTW, you'll most likey want to get rid of your carpet anyway, and get wood floors installed if you have a pure bred GS. They shed like there is no tomorrow. Better get a good animal hair vacuum cleaner at the very least.
In the summer you'll be able to collect the hair have it spun and make a sweater out of it.

Umm, one last thing though...If you bought the dog for your husband, why are YOU cleaning up the Pee?

Retired K9 Trainer.
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