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Old 04-20-2020, 08:22 PM   #66
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Originally Posted by bilproject View Post
When I read someone get chastised for driving up to New Hampshire and going to a store I wonder how many people, including those that set the guidelines really understand what the rules are. Apparently some of the comments follow a rule that once you leave your home and travel to a different state or place you must quarantine for 14 days before going out in public. If this person was practicing social distancing and traveled directly by car, then why when someone goes to the gas station for gas are they not expected to quarantine for 14 days before going out again? I just don't think the guidelines/rules have been adequately explained leaving room for rules police to emerge especially on social media. I think we were given guidelines to follow using common sense ( something becoming scarcer than M95 masks). I am in Florida right now and our county has has 770 cases of which 340 are active which means that 1 out of every 2000 is known to have the virus. Which brings up another point, testing. Every politician and medical person they trot out before the cameras says testing is the answer to opening the economy. But no one is saying who exactly we are going to test. I fear that this is a false narrative as unless we all isolate from one another and are all tested at the same time, the virus will continue to slither between those untested and those already tested. The language about why we shut down the economy is also changing. Remember we were told that the economy was shut down to flatten the curve so that the hospitals were not over run. Now we are hearing that if we go back to work there will be more cases and deaths. What is now beginning to emerge is the truth. We are all going to get this virus sooner or later and some of us will die from it. Immunologists are now saying that the savior vaccine we are waiting for will not work 100% and could even offer little protection. The truth is that vaccine used against mutating viruses have generally been between 40 and 80 percent effective. The effects of this shut down are becoming dangerous. The government is trying to blunt the economic hardship but it's systems were never designed to have 22 million people file for unemployment in 3 weeks. They can not get stimulus checks out to all the people in a week or two. The size of the lines at food banks is astounding and the people interviewed while waiting are becoming desperate and the food banks are not able to serve all of those in line. I fear we are very close to hearing the first reports of robbery of groceries in the Winn Dixie parking lot. The country needs to get back to work and soon. Some level of death will happen. Will it be acceptable? Of course it is not. All will need to practice separation as much as possible. Those of us over 60 or with conditions will have to stay isolated until we see what happens with infection rates. Hope you all stay well.
The simple rules is, Wear a Mask(It Should Be), Wash Your Hands (Alot), or Use Sanitizer (Alcohol 65 Percent), Stand Away 6(Six) Feet. This IS NOT rocket science just good ole common sense in nerve wracking times. I agree let's open the country back up, ASAP, but not in a haphazard way. People need to adhere to simple rules first, this allows the virus less opportunity to continue to spread. BTW, I'm in the 60+ crowd, I don't really feel like dying just yet, and not because we did stupid ****. If peeps can't follow simple rules just what makes anyone think we can safely open the doors back up. Just a FYI, this virus doesn't age discriminate younger, young, middle,old, older, it's worse for the older crowd that find themselves in assisted living nursing homes and they are trapped, in Nashua that's one of the hardest hit locals and the biggest contributor to death in the city.
Let's be real folks, it's on us if you think the govment is gonna miraculously save your asses, think again, or watch some CNN, Fox, or pick you poison.
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