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Old 11-08-2023, 01:52 PM   #92
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Originally Posted by tis View Post
That's true the value of our property depends on the lake, but we do pay an awful lot in taxes now. You think we should pay more?
What I think is that lake front property owners have a vested interest in the quality of the lake. And as a lake front property owner, I am well aware of how much taxes they pay. With that said, paying more in taxes is at all what I was referencing... although it could seem that way.....

Think of it as upkeep to your home and its value, you pay to keep your house painted and looking nice, to keep your grass green, trees trimmed etc. Whether you pay to have someone do it your you do it yourself there is cost associated with these things. So why does it seem so illogical that you might need to pay for the up keep to a body of water that you have rights to based on your properties location. Think of it as an association.

In this case lets call it the Lake Kanasatka association... each lake front home owner owns rights to a certain percentage of the lake, and the state owns the rest.... Now everyone can point fingers and blame others.... But If I want my home to be worth the most, it would make sense to work with the state to find a solution..... It may require money from the state, It could even require some money from individual homeowners... OR it could be that the homeowners and state, find grounds that will allow for federal funding and grants, and it ends up costing the state and the homeowners nothing.....

What I am trying to preach unsuccessfully it would seem is that, the solution doesn't solely lie on the shoulders of the town or the state, but on all the stake holders collectively.... And because Lake Kanasatka flows into Lake Winnipesaukee, which flows into Lake Oppeche, Lake Winnisquam, and down the Winnipesaukee river.... we can expanded the affected are out to all those home owners have something at stake too......

People loose sight of the fact that if the water quality of the Lakes Region deteriorates, we all have a lot to loose...
Life is about how much time you can spend relaxing... I do it on an island that isn't really an island.....
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