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Old 11-21-2022, 08:32 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by SAMIAM View Post
We live on a cove with natural beach and western exposure. Boat wakes used to keep it clean until neighbors partitioned for a no wake zone. After that, leaves and debris would blow in and we would get silt and leaves covering the sand.
I clean it with a snow rake. I start my boat, and make sure it's tied tightly so that you start a currant in the direction of that you want to clean ,put it in gear and adjust the trim and the angle of prop wash so that the silt goes where I want it and then gently work the snow rake over the sandy bottom.
Takes a little practice but the results are amazing.
Snow rakes have a long reach so you can do it from the shore or your dock in most cases, but when the water warms up I walk into the water to extend the reach
Thank you! If I understand correctly, the engine of the boat is used like an underwater leaf blower? That's awesome!

Do you direct the leaves and debris toward shore or out to the lake?
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