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Old 12-01-2020, 05:22 PM   #68
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Default Marketing when selling or buying a home

From my personal experience over the last decade, I can give you a few comments on the marketing/photography of home sales from both the selling and buying perspective. Just my opinion...

Selling: In 2014, wife and I decided we were moving within Westchester County NY. We used a "friend" who was a well thought-of realtor. Well, we pulled the listing after 3 months and I believe we had less than 10 showings. There didn't seem to be too much interest. We paused to regroup.

We decided to try again, after a 6 month break. We thought about it and decided to research, ask questions, etc. We found the top realtor (by sales and reputation) in the area and decided to interview her. Turns out she interviewed us, as she was that in demand. She accepted us, put us through our paces...made us stage our house, remove things, etc. She brought in a professional photographer (on her dime). We had 40 realtors at the realtor open house. We had 2 offers on the day it was officially listed. Sold it for the same amount that the first realtor couldn't get a nibble at...

Buying: We purchased a home in Wolfeboro last year. I don't want to name names, but it was not marketed well, and because of that, it sat for 3-4 months and it should have sold quickly. The pictures were done with a cell phone. Because of that...even though we found the house late, we lucked out. Had it been marketed better, we'd not have been able to get it. Don't let lousy photos keep you away. As a buyer, poor marketing can be an ally, as you might have a diamond in the rough.
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