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Old 03-26-2004, 11:15 PM   #23
Packy Derm
Posts: n/a
Default Re:psssst..... NH Tokens and Funspot Tokens

The NH Turnpike tokens (selling at 12.5 cents each in rolls) work in many of the Funspot Games. Funspot games work primarily on tokens (anywhere from 11.5 to 25 cents per token - cost depends on how many you buy at once and if you have a coupon). Parents, note: If your stash of Turnpike tokens is smaller after you leave Funspot, guess what....

Although the Funspot people try their best to pull the NH turnpike tokens out of Funspot circulation there are times when games that pay out Funspot tokens pay out some NH Turnpike tokens. If I get any NH tokens at Funspot I save them to use on the turnpike. I do not know of anyone using a Funspot token at the Turnpike. Nor have I received any Funspot tokens in any NH token rolls I've purchased.

I've also heard that those Funspot tokens work in many other arcades that use that size token although I'm sure it's not legit to use any tokens other than for their intended purpose.

Fast Lane - yet another way Big Brother can track where we go, when, how often and by what routes.

Packy Derm
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