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Old 07-31-2022, 12:08 AM   #42
John Mercier
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It is the same throughout the system... just more stresses closer to the lake.
As you get near the seasonal and tourism areas, the pool of labor is smaller, and the customer demand is higher... add to that the customer inefficiencies... and you get a greater havoc.

Since they can't change the pool of labor overnight, and simply pushing away customers isn't what upper management/ownership wants... we have to achieve greater customer efficiency.

The customer sees this need for more efficiency in so many ways... including what appears to be lower customer service and longer wait times... but the only other option is to raise prices to orbital levels.

You see this as problems in the prices matching up, flaws in any credit or rebate system, changes in the system at a corporate level that have not trickled down to the frontline, etc.

It happens even at Market Basket in Tilton.
But long term customers are learning when not to shop... where items are... and that helps.
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