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Old 12-02-2020, 07:48 AM   #150
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Default ..... Nov 4, 1956: Budapest invaded by Soviet tanks!

You really need to consider that Khrushchev said 'We will bury you' on Nov 26, 1956, and the Soviet Union had just invaded Budapest, Hungary on Nov 4, 1956 to put a halt to their Hungary Revolt for freedom from communism.

The Hungary revolt from communist rule by the the Soviet Union took place from October 23, 1956 to November 10, 1956, with the Soviet troops invading on November 4.

So, with First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Nikita Khrushchev, age 60, addressing the western nations at the Polish Embassy in Moscow on Sunday, November 26, he no doubt wanted to DOUBLE DOWN, and project a strong-man, tough guy image to the world, and talk very intimidating ...... with that 'We will bury you' comment. It ran on American tv for something like ten years or so with him beating out that line, frequently shown on Saturday morning tv as a 30-second, public service announcement, between the Howdy Doody show and the Three Stooges, back in 1959-60-61-62. For kids watching it like myself, it became like a comedy act ..... We will bury you! ..... nyuck, nyuck, nyuk ...... no, we will bury you, first! ... no, we will bury you! ....

As an 11-year old kid walking out to a school/camp sports game period, I recall getting into shouting matches with other kids on the other team, especially at summer camp what with color war, the Grays vs the Greens. Chanting, shouting, and group songs were a big part of that color war team spirit. So therefore, shout it loud: "We will bury you! ..... no, we will bury you!, we will bury you! ..... no, we will bury you! ..... out-shouting the other team ..... until a camp counselor would show up and yell ..... 'Will Everyone puh-leeeeeze Shut-Up! ...... everyone just be quiet and knock it off, or I'll send you all back to your cabin and make you do a graded, cabin clean-up!"

..... ho-ho-ho-ha-ha-ha ....... nyuck - nyuck - nyuck ......
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!

Last edited by fatlazyless; 12-04-2020 at 05:02 AM.
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