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Old 05-14-2020, 05:05 AM   #76
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Originally Posted by dickiej View Post
Map...please seek could easily live another 10-15-20 years and you should have things to look forward to. And ditch the's a depressive. Go for long walks and enjoy the beauty of simple things. Volunteer. Reach out for support. My wife and I are 67 and we still work three days a week helping people. We stopped drinking years ago and our lives improved markedly. This will pass, and life marches on.
Yes. I do exercise every day, take walks by the lake, etc. Getting outside helps. I get depressed and then I snap out of it and then i get depressed again. I will not give up my alcohol as it relaxes my over active mind. I do not sleep very well. I do try to limit it to weekends and maybe once or twice during the week will have a glass or 2 of wine, so it is not like I am an alkie. But it is more than I usually would have. Plus- this Friday we have a ZOOM meeting for Happy Hour with our old NY friends!

I am going to see if I can volunteer for something but I do not want to be wearing the darn mask. Wearing the mask and seeing others wearing it makes me very frustrated and depressed. I can't stand the whole making the mask a fashion statement thing and the whole "we are all in this together" thing. Ra ra ra - let's take a photo with our masks on. Pleeeease....

My husband is floundering right now. He joined the local range and as soon as he sent the check it closed. He never got to use it. We still have not heard what they are going to do in terms of opening or a refund or whatever. This is his main hobby and he was so looking forward to going. Why a range cannot be open is beyond me. Having no property where we live now he cannot even go outside to practice. Where we used to live we had a ton of acreage. Before he retired he talked of maybe working part-time at Lowes or something like that but he really did not get a chance to find his way yet as he is only retired a couple of months and we moved and everything.

In terms of looking forward to things in the future, well, I was and this happened- all I know is we are not getting any younger and at this age the time is NOW. Well- at least it would have been now. My mother had breast cancer at age 65. I am 64. My grandmother had ovarian cancer at age 61. I worked in healthcare all my life so I have seen it all.

I am actually very future oriented- have been all my life. A big planner and all that. As soon as I would do one thing I was already on to the next one. But right now I do not see the next one. MY calendar is essentially empty.

Don't get me wrong. I am very task oriented and I keep busy with the little things in life and the day goes pretty fast amazingly.

I do not want to sound like "woa is me" because we are luckier than most. As I said, I feel more sorry for the younger folks who have plans- school. graduation, weddings. careers, having children. buying a house, travel, etc.

I can handle my sadness. But I am a realist and I am hoping I am way off on my opinion and everything will end up being gumdrops and lollipops.

Last edited by map; 05-14-2020 at 05:20 AM. Reason: Addition
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