Thread: Waldo Peppers
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Old 07-07-2009, 03:06 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by michael c View Post
Kinda makes me wonder: where are all the F.O.W. [ friends of waldos ] now?
They used to take turns expounding on the wonderous virtues of W.P. and take turns bashing everyone else. You could actually predict who would be the next basher as they had it turn ,,,then its margo's turn then Al ,you say something about how wonderful their tap water is ...why the silence?
Kinda makes ya wonder,don't it ???
It actually got to the point where everyone i know would laugh at the posts..
Your post kind of makes it sound like you have a personal axe to grind with them.

The old location, for the few times we went there, seemed to be a very nice little place to get a good take-out style lunch.

We've also been to the new location several times, and it does seem that something is missing, but at the same time I can't say that we've ever been disappointed with the quality/value ratio.

Pepper has/had a lot of friends on the forum, and I think she was also a very friendly and honest person herself. People often perceive a business, especially any sort of service/food business, in relation to the owners' outward persona, when the owner actually takes the time to communicate with the clientele.

Perhaps the previous Waldo Peppers supporters were a little too vocal, but I never really felt they were disingenuous in their comments.
[insert witty phrase here]
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