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Old 09-22-2008, 07:10 AM   #135
NonVoting Taxpayer
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Default LB of Steamers

Since you asked on this thread, I feel compelled to defend the Lobster Pound
You need to know that depending on the size of the steamers you may only get between 12 - 20 per pound. When people see a pound (weighed on a scale) they can't believe it's a pound. I worked at a fish market and can say by experience, that most of the time people order a pound or two they always ask for more.
Why the high price? You don't buy frozen steamers nor do you freeze them if they don't sell so the throw away or spoil rate is high. Second, with all the rain up in Maine, the price of steamers have gone off the wall due to the red tide and closure of the mud flats. Most people who dig steamers also pick blueberries and unfortunately, they make more money on blueberries then digging clams.
So once and for all give the Lobster Pound a break when it comes to personnal preferences. if the menu say's a pound is $15 and you think that's high, as Vitabean said "don't order it".
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