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Old 07-23-2008, 07:19 PM   #35
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Arrow Yes lets go to Club Baby Seal.

I'm with brk-lnt 100%. We should meet at the club and get to know one another.

Originally Posted by Evenstar View Post
The amount of kayak bashing on this forum continues to amaze me.
It's not bashing, it's swamping. I heard it happens a lot on Squam or was it Winnisquam.

Originally Posted by Evenstar
This is supposed to be a place for all boaters - yet the powerboat owners seem to think that there’s nothing wrong with constantly putting down paddlers here. No wonder that I’m only one of the few paddlers who is brave enough to post here.
This is supposed to be a place for ANYONE, particularly anyone with an interest in the Lakes Region of NH. Not just power boaters. I could have a sailboat and know how to Jibe .

Originally Posted by Evenstar
And I get jumped on every time that I stand up for paddlers.
You claim it happens so often that I think you secretely might like to get jumped on.

Originally Posted by Evenstar
And please don’t try to tell me that this is just a joke – because I’m not laughing at your insults. This is nothing more than prejudice - and it is wrong.
As you wish dear Evenstar. I won't try to tell you that this is a joke or satirical or even a fun thread. It started as an informational post showing an interaction shared between a KAYAK a kayaker and a loon. That's no joke.

I did miss where people insulted you. You are the only brave kayaker that speaks up the way you do. You are right. That is just wrong.

Prejudiced? you bet I am. I would rather read this thread than 98% of the speed limit threads.

BTW. Was that a sea kayak or a plain old regular kind of kayak bothering that loon?

kayakers are boaters too
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