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Old 07-23-2008, 02:50 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by B R View Post
all of this is easily explained:
Thank you for clearing that up, your description is much different than what I had previously heard about this...

My understanding was that most kayakers prefer to eat a steady diet of baby seal. See, they feel that the baby seal's spirit will become embedded within their own spirit, making them more at one with the water.

However, due to the popularity of kayaking, many of these vile "sportsmen" are now infesting other waters and coming further inland. They bring their sea kayaks and flamboyantly colored paddles to lakes where they are clearly out of place. After coming to these inland waters they soon realize that there is no baby seal population, and so then they have to refer to hunting some other water creature to enhance their kayaking spirit. In this case, many loons have become the unfortunate target of these people, and the picture above clearly shows this "sport" as they call it happening right in front of the photographers eyes.

In case you are wondering, I know this from a conversation I overhead when I accidentally walked into a "Kayakers bar". The Subaru wagons out front, yogurt menu, and granola scattered on the floor should have given the joint away, but I was weary and simply wanted a bite to eat. Once I realized where I was, I ate my Muselix and quietly left without calling attention to myself, but that was not before I heard many of the secrets of this cult discussed out in the open, in what they thought was a safe environment...
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