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Old 06-26-2008, 09:59 PM   #32
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Originally Posted by Evenstar View Post

The 150 foot rule would be broken a lot less if people slow down. If you’re going slower, you have more time to see and to avoid other boats – even when they are kayaks.
The above statement clearly indicates to me that you haven't spent much time on the lake. I can honestly say that easily 75%+ of all boats that I pass in reasonably narrow areas ignore the 150' rule!!! I watch it all day long in front of my house. People simply don't understand the simple concept or just don't care. It has NOTHING to do with their speed, they simply don't want to be bothered to come off plane and obey. Hell, near the tip of Mark and near Meredith Neck I would put that to 95%...This is not just fast boats, this is your cruisers, your bowriders, fishing boats, pontoons, performance boats, basically all types.

My passengers ask me often "why are you stopping?or why are you slowing down?" . My answer is simple, just because they are breaking the law doesn't mean that I should too.

The best one last weekend was the moron at 11pm in a loud wooden boat that came around the corner in front our place at full steam, only to pass within 30' of 2 MP boats that were parked after a lengthy stop from a few minutes before. He saw them at the last second and backed off, so close they could have spit on him. They got him too...It was quite the show.
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