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Old 05-22-2008, 08:03 PM   #11
Chris Craft
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Originally Posted by Islander View Post
Sandy is going to Concord to be at the signing ceremony.

The level of denial shown in this forum is almost beyond imagination! Why have NH boating accidents gone up 16% while Vermont's went down 83% during the same period. Do people fall down in Vermont? Do people fall overboard in Vermont? Do people kayak in Vermont?

Have the boaters born before 1957 caused all the accidents in New Hampshire? Because they are the only ones that didn't need safe boating certificates last summer.

When I read the comparison with Vermont it makes me wonder what they are doing right, and what we are doing wrong. When the opposition reads it they wonder, "how can we explain this away"!
My question is since I do not have a link to the artical: I noticed that you got this from a personal water craft site. I have to assume that the statistics are for personal water craft. I also assume that the number of personal water crafts is on the rise especially in NH. I certainly see a lot more of them on the lake then I used to. So I have to ask is this a 16% increase in ALL boating accidents or just PWC?

Islander: To the best of my knowledge there is not speed limit in the lakes of VT. Taken from the VT safe boating web site

"Speed Limits:

Within 200 feet of shore, dock, swim area, person in water and other vessels or anchorage, speed must be less than 5 miles per hour and must not create a wake."

If this is the case then I guess you just made the agrument for not having the speed limit. After all they don't have a speed limit but accidents dropped off.
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