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Old 05-05-2008, 05:10 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by alsadad View Post
I “discovered” the forum 2 years ago .... As a public service to others who, like me, may be trying to assimilate all of these arguments all at once, I decided I would summarize the arguments presented:
Argument #1:
Proponents: Speed limits will make the lake safer.
Opponents: no they won’t.
P: yes they will
O: no they won’t.
P: yes they will
O: no they won’t
#2. O: Speed limits are a thinly veiled attempt to target a particular type of boat that some people find objectionable.
P: no they aren’t.
O: yes they are.
P: no they aren’t.
O: yes they are.
BI: no they aren’t.
BI: yes they are.
#3. Which of the following doesn’t belong: granola, democrats, commercial drivers licenses?
P: Huh?
O: Huh?
#4. The MP speed study was structurally flawed and its results are invalid, but Evenstar’s personal observations and “off the chart” spatial relations skills prove that speeding boats cause discomfort to kayakers every day.
Some Ps: right on!
Other Ps: yes to the first part, but I want nothing to do with Evenstar.
O: not only was the study perfect in every respect, but kayakers kill loons!
#5. P: Speed limits will reduce shore erosion.
O: Speed limits will increase shore erosion.
P: you’re wrong.
O: no, you’re wrong.
P: no, you’re wrong
(well, you get the idea)
#6. I have these incredible photos that will clear everything up.
P: what is he talking about?
O: I have no idea.
#7. Speed limits are nothing more than a blatant attempt by those nanny state liberals to interfere with my inalienable rights, even when exercising those rights is dangerous, reckless and inconsiderate. Live free or die!
P: oh brother.
Some Os: oh brother.
#8. BI: “The few that own these expensive, highly polluting, global warming, gas hogs, fly around the lake at speeds up to 130 mph scaring the living hell out of family boaters. They have no concept of how many small boaters, including children's campers, they are keeping off of the water.”
O: There are boats going 130 mph on the lake?
BI: I never said that.
#9. The Yankees suck.
P: yes.
O: yes.
#10. pm203: “As the owner of a boat that will do well over 90 mph, this proposed law will do nothing to change the way I boat one bit. The majority of the time, I cruise around 45 mph . Other times, when conditions permit, I might go for a short, high speed run, whether it's 60,70 or more. Law or no law, you cannot stop the speeding and noise any more than you can on route 93. I will continue to boat as I always have. And, from what I have been told, even if I get issued a ticket, which is VERY unlikely, it can be fought and won. I have muffled my boat to comply to noise regulations and do observe all current boating laws. Unfortunately, I will not respect or comply with a speed limit on this lake. Good luck trying to enforce it.”
P: this is precisely the type of attitude we believe that speed limits will eradicate from the lake.
Some Os: right on, brother.
Other Os: this is precisely the type of attitude that created this mess in the first place. Knock if off!

A bit of levity in this otherwise intense debate. BRAVO! I can even see myself there in a few posts. I think that about sums it all up.
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