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Old 04-18-2008, 09:47 AM   #75
Bear Islander
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Originally Posted by Nauset View Post
What gets me is all the fuss some property owners make about the impact of having boats on the lake basically two days a week for three or four months a year. But on the other hand we have much of the shore line filled with camps, cottages, and now mega mansions at an increasing rate with their fertilized lawns on cleared lots with all the runoff, septic systems leaching into the water shed, sandy beaches and on and on. Until these property owners rip down their buildings and replant all the trees that prevent erosion they should not utter a word about someone else enjoying the lake. It chalks up to a few well connected, well funded, loud mouths with elitist thoughts that they should be calling all the shots. It’s more about the hidden agenda of having it all and keeping it exclusive and not sharing. I said it before, the definition of an environmentalist is someone who already built his vacation home.

So if someone gave you a lakefront cabin what would you do?

Your main options would seem to be sell it, live in it, or tear it down and plant trees. If your answer is the latter, I don't believe you.

If you would sell or live in it, then who is living in a glass house!

I have a moderate cabin on pilings, legal septic, no grass, no fertilizer, no landscaping, no beach. But you say I need to tear that down before I am allowed to "utter a word" about boating restrictions. What version of the Constitution did they teach you in school?
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