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Old 02-08-2008, 01:29 PM   #88
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Bear Islander,

That was well said.

While I disagree with having a speed limit I do believe that something needs to be done to ensure the safety of everyone on the lake. I do believe that the lake has become overcrowded and at times dangerous.

My belief will and always will be that greater enforcement of the existing laws will cure all that ails the lake. We need to fund more officers to patrol more areas of the lake. I am not bothered by a Cigarette boat doing 85MPH across the broads. Those guys usually know when it is prudent to drive those speeds. The majority of the offenders "Captain Boneheads" drive bowriders, and runabouts. Trust me, I spent the entire summer on the lake and boated just about every day. The 150 foot rule is usually broken at 25-35MPH in congested areas. My biggest problem had to do with Bass boats last year. I had run ins with at least 10 last year. Sorry to stereotype but the first few times seemed coincidental after that it became a trend.

What seems backwards to me is that the biggest lake is being debated for a speed limit when smaller lakes will have none? Unfortunately this bill has so many supporters because they see it as a way to get rid of certain types of boats because they don't like them. It has no merit as a safety issue. It is truly a case of discrimination against one particular class. For example what if the lake had half as many boats on it regardless of type. What if the remaining boats were captained by courteous and careful individuals. Couldn't we all agree that would probably solve all these issues we discuss. You see it isn't the type of boat that is making it unsafe, it is the amount of boats and those who are behind the wheel. A speed limit is a back door loophole cop-out approach to solve a problem we ALL AGREE exists, unsafe conditions, not speed. Why can't the legislature actually do their job and come up with an equitable solution the does not discriminate against either side? I'd love to see safer conditions on the lake but I do not think that this is the answer.
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