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Old 02-07-2008, 05:31 PM   #68
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Originally Posted by ITD View Post
Evenstar, I twist nothing, I just quote you, whether it discredits you or not is completely on you and what you write.
You twist everything that I post!

As far as the statement "Look, we're not all lying", you said it, I didn't make it up. For it to be true you must think some pro-speed limit people have lied, otherwise it's a lie. Pretty simple logic, they must have taught you that at the University.
You know nothing about logic. "It is the mistake of confusing logical implication and conversational implicature by thinking that "some are" statements logically imply "some are not" statements, when the former statements only conversationally implicate the latter. source: Paul Grice, "Logic and Conversation", reprinted in Studies in the Way of Words (Harvard, 1989).

Just because I can't be sure that no speed limit supporter is lying, does not mean or imply that some are lying. Again, you are trying to use my absolute honesty against me, which is totally unfair.

Your "close encounters" are just too extraordinary for me to believe.
I don't care if you believe me or not. You are judging my experience solely on what you have experienced and are attacking my credability just because I have experienced things that you haven't. I never lie. Can you honestly say that?

I think a more likely explanation is that you are a very bad judge of distance and speed.........
I've already explained to you in a previous post that I am an excellent judge of distance and speed - have you like no memory?

You really need to get a life. Attacking someone just because they don't share you're views is really pretty pathetic.
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