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Old 10-26-2007, 09:29 PM   #105
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codeman671 wrote in response to APS
What are you talking about?The accident was on Lake George and nothing said that it was in a Baja, nor was it related to a poker run. If you are trying to tie some unrelated accident in to Skip's post then at least have the decency to quote it instead of twisting the content of his post.
It's rare that I defend APS, but the link he provided was not to an event on Lake George and it did identify the vessel involved as a Baja and said the boater was attending a poker run....


The link was NOT to a media site, it was to another forum and the poster quoted a media source but did not provide a link. Given what passes as fact on this forum I suspect that the original poster may have left out some facts and had an agenda of his/her own.

The accident happened in KENTUCKY! So once again APS has to travel far and wide to find something to make his point.

And since the Baja involved was a 23 foot boat, it would be hard for even APS to classify that boat as an "Ocean Racer"! And once again I will point out there are NO, ZERO, NONE, NADA Ocean Racers on Lake Winnipesaukee!

APS wrote:
The Coasties have found heroin used by boaters on waters nearby.
First, heroin is already illegal, did it stop the two men in question from using it while boating? I didn't think so.
Second, Lovel Island is in Boston Harbor, not Center Harbor. Last I looked Lovel Island was about 100 miles away. (again APS has to travel afar to try to make a point)

So are you know saying that everyone operating a Go Fast boat on Lake Winnipesaukee is a drug dealer and high on heroin?

Regarding a possible speed limit on Lake Winnipesaukee. The Marine Patrol has issued it's report and that report repeatedly showed that the use of radar on the water, in a court of law, would not pass the muster.

So at this point I say to the NH legislature, go ahead and pass the 45/25 law. It is unenforceable since the evidence needed to bring a case to trial (radar gun readings) will not and can not be admitted as true and factual!

Of course this is an UNFUNDED MANDATE so that while radar boat crews of two or more MP officers are on each radar vessel, other boats will be tied up and unmanned and other patrol functions of the MP will be ignored.

That means slower response time to calls about rafting in front of island property, slower reponse time to calls about cruisers making large wakes near shore and oh yeah, slower response time to ACTUAL EMERGENCY CALLS...but hey, they got their speed limit law and maybe over the course of an entire season, it might catch one or two boats going more than 45!

Yay for them!
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