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Old 02-11-2007, 08:17 PM   #43
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Originally Posted by Evenstar
I've personally talked with a number of marine patrol officers, and guess what? The all were in favor of having a speed limit. And guess why? So that they would have something concrete to enforce. I was told that it's really hard to prove reckless operation, and it's not that easy to catch someome breaking the 150' rule (and even harder to prove).
Funny, the many that I have talked to are against it. Guess what? Even the director of Marine Patrol has publicly stated that it is not the answer.

Guess what? Marine Patrol who is already spread thin can go in search of the small percentage of speeders who probably aren't endangering anyone, but when needed for an emergency non-speed related situation they will take longer to respond, putting others at risk.

Let's put a registration law in place for all kayaks, canoes, etc to help fund this resource sucking monster which you are trying to create. I am sure the complaints will fly then... I have always found it ridiculous that power boaters end up footing the bill for all while the paddlers get a free ride.
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