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Old 02-10-2007, 11:33 AM   #14
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Yes I got out on Winni a number of times last summer (during the week), but I always had to talk my kayaking friend into going there – as she’s just not comfortable on that lake, due to the speed of some of the powerboats (her words, not mine).

First of all, were you out in a kayak? Because it’s one thing to observe kayaks from the perspective of a powerboat, and it’s very different to be out there in one. I have personally enjoyed most of my time out on the lake, so I would also appear to be having fun to most of the passing powerboats. But there are definitely times when I felt less than safe. Some powerboats and jet skis came way too close to us last summer and many were traveling at fairly high speeds. Yes there is the 150’ law, but if someone is going to break it (which happens all the time), I’d much rather they were going 45 or less, as this can be a rather terrifying experience at higher speeds (and I’m talking from personal experience here). I would almost guarantee that several boaters didn’t even notice us until they were practically upon us (either that or they were just trying to scare us – which they very successfully did).

When I kayak on a lake, I do talk with other paddlers and many of their stories and safety concerns mirror mine. The only kayakers who don’t seem to have as many problems with powerboats are the ones that never venture from the coves or hug the shores – but most of those paddles still have strong safety concerns (which is why they stay off the main lake).

When I kayak, I don’t stay in the coves or hug the shores – I’m out there on the main lake – and I’m out there for hours – covering many miles of lake. And I have NEVER spent a day kayaking on Winni when I did not experience fear that an approaching high speed powerboat was not aware that I was there (based on their actions).

You can say my fears are irrational. But I’m a pretty rational person and I consider myself to be rather adventurous and therefore braver than most; so I feel that my fears are very rational – and that they are very valid.
"Boaters love boats . . . Kayakers love water."
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