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Old 04-08-2024, 03:57 PM   #31
John Mercier
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Its possible.
But whether one person/group owns the 27 units and received rent from leases, or 27 different people each own a unit and receive rent from a lease, really has no impact on the outcome.

The problem the city has is that it doesn't want to build enough units... so the current units are bought up, the prices rise, and gentrification sets in.

The need is for dramatically more housing units than the demand. The demand being both local and influx.

The problem has always been the limitations of capital.

The stock market got around it with stock splits to keep the price per share down... and then went to mutual funds to even further lower the cost of capital access.

REITs did it for commercial properties... but those still have a long way to go to have as many players and options as mutual funds.
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