Thread: Get Ready!
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Old 03-25-2024, 04:46 PM   #43
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Default snow melters

Originally Posted by camp guy View Post
What about heated driveways? Is it too expensive to heat a driveway to keep it clear of snow and ice? I don't know much about the logistics of creating a heated driveway, and I am sure the associated fuel cost would be rather high, but it sure would be nice to wake up after a night of snowing to see a clear driveway. Just dreaming!
Downtown Concord has snow melt sidewalks, heated by tubing that runs under the pavers. Very expensive (?), but I believe there was a federal grant of some sort, so, as some say, "it was free". I have Heat Trak electric mats on my front walk, at least on the part that gets no sun. A 4' on the landing, two on steps and a 10' (commercial grade) extending to where the sun hits. Cost about $1000. (July sale). They only heat to about 33-34F, and low amperage, so I don't notice anything different in my electric bill. I just flip a dedicated switch in the house when it starts snowing and they can keep up. Waiting until a storm is over and then activating, is like waiting for April and Mother Nature to do the job.
I would guess, in Concord, it is cheaper to heat the sidewalks than it is to pay staff to shovel.
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