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Old 03-17-2024, 03:14 PM   #60
Mr. V
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I've sympathy for people who are homeless due to bad breaks, e.g. loss of job, divorce: but I've zero sympathy for those who are homeless due to addiction to hard drugs, e.g. meth and / or fentanyl.

Can we all agree that there is no real benefit, either to them or to society, while they are getting wasted and homeless?

If to effectively address the problem?

The so-called "War on Drugs" didn't do it, and decriminalizing it has been an epic failure here in Portland, Oregon.

Ultimately the government will need to force these people into some form of involuntary treatment and rehab program, and I fear that our liberal interpretation of our "liberty interest" from the Constitution may prevent this.

Perhaps the right test case to the USSC would bear fruit?
basking in the benign indifference of the universe
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