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Old 01-25-2024, 03:15 PM   #6
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Default Just don't answer...

Originally Posted by camp guy View Post
I may have posted this before, but if not, here it is. If you get a phone call and don't recognize the caller, NEVER use the word YES when talking with them. To get you to use the word YES, scammers will ask you a simple question to which the answer is obviously YES, but don't speak the word YES Scammers can "word shop" your voice into something making it look like you agreed to purchase something. Scammers are very clever at using identification such as "national police benevolence society" to make you feel warm and fuzzy and want to donate - don't fall for it. Scammers will catch you off guard with a question like "Is everything going all right in your town today?" My best advice, smile, and HANG UP.
If I get a call from a number I don't recognize, I simply don't answer it. If it is something important and legitimate, they'll leave a voicemail. For emails, you can't simply go by the alias, you have to actually look at the email address to see if it is a fake. My in-laws were in their 80's when they got caught up in the scam of "your grand-daughter's been in an accident and needs $10,000.00", but luckily their local banker interceded and proved to them it was a hoax by having them call the girl directly.
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