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Old 11-17-2023, 10:46 PM   #129
John Mercier
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Outside showers are generally to rinse off...
But even the addition of soap would really mostly effect only the shower area.
Plants readily absorb it.

Run off only works because it is directly near the lake (lawn fertilizers) or because of the large area that it covers in a watershed.

NH made a statute on fertilizer in 93 because we could show the direct impact.
It made it throughout the entire State... with some specifics for areas near water.

The product sold in NH meets the guidelines, but its usage not so much.

People regularly over fertilize because they think they must use everything in the bag regardless of application guideline, almost never do a random plot soil sample for further additions, either do not follow the surface water and run off setbacks - or under estimate the distance (same as they do with the 150 foot rule in boating), and many times do not ''water in'' when recommended - short watering or letting Mother Nature do it is not the solution.

It would take a lot of soap to have that effect. But all of that would still fall under the run off category.

So the ''shower'' problem could be fixed with just a dense planting of flowers around the outside screen or the perimeter of the base. Much the same as dense planting within the last several feet of shore front makes a dramatic difference.
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