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Old 11-16-2023, 09:05 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by steve-on-mark View Post
Here's what I know.... from the initial design phase, it was planned that at some point the beach bar would become a private amenity for the members...that was promised to them. It has become busy enough that the decision was made to implement that change next spring. Current members sometimes have to wait for seating and service because non members are taking up space... I get it. Harts will be back running the show next season, and the boat club is very successful and not going away anytime soon.
Looks like the Welch Island Tiki Bar is gonna have to step up to the plate and expand their docking capabilities!! ;-)
I also know that some of the other issues there were guests going there for lunch and allowing their children to use the pool and other member only facilities. That certainly is not right to those that own or pay to stay there so I get the dissatisfaction from paying members…Sounds like Kurt is trying to do what’s right and what he promised to the membership…..


It's Always Sunny On Welch Island!!
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