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Old 09-11-2023, 09:23 PM   #41
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Originally Posted by Dad207 View Post
i often think that we fail, now as in the past, to recognize a couple of fundamental issues about our understanding of other's behavior:

1. We don't know what kind of day the supposed malefactors have had: we don't know if their spouse was just diagnosed with cancer, or if their dog just died; possibly their son just called the to say that he was getting divorced. Perhaps they were having a very bad day, for reasons we will never know. You've had those day, right, Did you act perfectly in every interaction?

2. We should never attribute to malice, or rudeness what can be explained by ignorance or inattention. We all make mistakes, we get distracted from our primary tasks, we are wrong about our knowledge, our position in the queue, the local rule or protocol, and sometimes don't see a car signaling as we look into the sun. Things happen, in part, because we are mistaken.

Give folks a break, lead by positive example, kill with kindness, and try to remember that that other guy or gal may just be having the worst day of his or her life for reasons you'll never know.
Great post, appreciate the perspective!
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