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Old 08-18-2023, 11:07 AM   #34
John Mercier
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You can build and still only use it three seasons.

We were involved with a French couple that build a home on Long Island that only use it for two weeks in the summer.
They thought at the time they might also use it for a few weeks in the winter, but determined that the alpine skiing around here was lame as compared to France, and that even cross country was not as developed in our area.

I did spend a day with them on the Royal a few winters back snowshoeing, but we haven't really had enough snow in recent winters at the appropriate time for that to happen again.

I can even get single pane wood windows still... just special order long lead time and very high end. They even option TDL (True Divided Light).

I can also do continuous insulation on the outside with a stud wall interior (CI is a requirement now in our area - even though many are ignoring it).

It is the size of the camp/cottage and a movement towards motorized recreation that makes the change.
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