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Old 08-17-2023, 06:48 PM   #99
John Mercier
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Originally Posted by LIforrelaxin View Post
My guess would be that the guy knew this from past experience.... If information comes out, I wouldn't be surprised to find a long rap sheet centered around doing stupid stuff when drunk.....

With that said, speed got mentioned in this thread also..... speed wasn't the problem in this accident... momentum and inertia however played a very integral role in all of this....
Moment is mass times velocity (directional speed); so for momentum to be a problem, then the speed was a variable.

If the operator was intoxicated or distracted... moving at 5 mpH instead of 10 mph would allow twice the time to react before the distance was closed.
If the operator was fully alert, 5 mph instead of 10 mph would still allow twice the time to react before the distance was closed.
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