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Old 07-23-2023, 04:58 PM   #42
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You may... but if you don't... the LEO will not write the violation.

You can permanently sit someone on the property and tell them they have to leave...

Should an LEO write a violation, the court is going to question why post signs and not bother to follow the posting requirements. At that point to secure the violation, the AMC may be required to send someone to testify in the case, and provide the written documentation that allows them to restrict others.

So much easier just to sign as prescribe by law.
Is everyone supposed to know what is meant by "LEO" as in presumably in "Law Enforcement Officer" ? Which ... Fish and Game? FBI? Local town cop? What stops someone from filing suit in court themselves?

What makes you think LEO, or JANE or HARRY or whomever will not do their job? What makes you think a court will not read, interpret law, and act accordingly?

Two separate statutes with separate legal strategies, and ease of execution.

A "selfie" or video with warning not to trespass, especially with a witness, will be a quick victory to prevail in court. Repeat trespass will enhance quick court decision.

Good thing nothing in this thread or website is legal advice, since only attorney's can give legal advice under penalty of UPL (Unauthorized Practice of Law). You can Google this as well.

No need for an attorney. Go Pro Se. A lot of of us do for these trivial court cases.
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