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Old 07-21-2023, 01:12 PM   #1
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Question July 20 drowning in Squam Lake

....oopsie-doopsie ..... my bad .... this happened on July 20, 2022 and not on July 20, 2023 ...... so's excuse me! ..... and hopefully the webmaster will erase me incorrect post about something from one year ago .....

Oh well, having wrote that four hours ago, and being kind of bored now, think I continue here. Well, dead is dead, and death is permanent, there ain't no coming back, once you is dead, you is dead (period-!). So, for a drowning, once the dive team locates the body somewhere in the water, the dead body gets brought up to the surface, placed in the boat and very quickly placed into a heavy black rubberized body bag with a big long strong zipper, and the bag quickly gets zipped up, closed.

For some unknown reason about 80% of all drownings in the U.S.A. are males. People like to believe they are better and stronger swimmers than they really are and misjudge their swimming ability in the deep water due to wind, waves, cold, and panic. Swimming out on a lake can be much more challenging than swimming in a heated pool where you always have a friendly wall, every 25-yards, to push off and do a good glide. A lake don't have that.

Drowning with the 80% males .... .....will happen due to alcohol, a medical problem, panic, or some accidental inhalation of a small amout of lake water, enough to be difficult and lead to a panic or something.

For safe swimming alone or with friends in the deep water is best to use a swim flotation belt or a swim tow buoy or a foam noodle belt for the added water safety it gives you.
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!

Last edited by fatlazyless; 07-23-2023 at 08:33 AM.
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