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Old 07-18-2023, 08:29 PM   #61
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No, I haven't Frisbee-tossed a Cheez-it original to that one friendly goose in over 3 years, and it was just one goose with an aluminum leg band with a 6 digit number starting with 3 that would sit for hours on a neighbors wood dock while his mate was sitting on their gosling nest, nearby, on Horse Island. Canada goose seem to prefer a wood dock as opposed to an aluminum dock for sleeping.

In March, April, and May, the female Canada goose was sitting on the large nest on the ground in the center of Horse Island while the male Canada goose wiles away the hours sleeping or doing nothing on a dock with a view to the nest, 100-yards away, and listening for any honking calls from the female.

On Corcoran's Pond it's maybe that flock of 45-50 Mallards that flew in one evening and were running in and out of the pond trying to eat some natural food item n the pond?

7-acre Corcoran's resort Pond doesn't usually get more than two Canada goose, and is usually zero? Canada goose are territorial so could be that a 7-acre pond is just big enough for one pair of geese. Canada goose .... ... are in a monogamous relationship which can last for 20-years until one goose dies then they start a new relationship with the female looking for a younger mate, or something.

Nine out of ten hungry Canada goose seem to prefer the mowed green, luxurious grass at Hesky and Clough Park in Meredith, down at that big Meredith stop-lights intersection.

Wednesday, July 19, 2023 ....... NEWS FLASH ....... ....... Corcoran's Pond Beach (on Corcoran's Pond) - Issued July 18 has once again ..... a fecal bacteria advisory warning with two yellow NH-DES signs posted into the beach close to the water ...... the fecal bacteria is back or something and maybe it never really left? ........ after the June 16 to July 7 fecal bacteria advisory, it's back starting on July 18.

Check out the new warning at Corcoran Pond Update ..... that says in part ..... Beach Advisory ..... Posted as of Tuesday July 18th, 2023 @3:29pm ..... "High levels of bacteria continue to be present in the water at Corcoran Pond. NH Dept of Environmental Services has informed the Town that the water is still not suitable for wading or swimming. Exposure to this water may cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or fever. Children, the elderly and others with sensitive immune systems are especially vulnerable." " The water will be retested again on Thursday (7/20//23) by NH_DES and this notice will be updated."

For me personally, I recently went swimming in Corcoran's pond, three different times, going about 125-yards of surface breast stroke between the big rock, the town dock, the dam, and back to the big rock ..... in the cold 67-degree water ...... on or about July 12, 14, 15 and had wicked bad, red itchy eyes on Saturday and much worse on Sunday, July 16-17.

A $12.98 eye drops bottle of Walmart Equate Olopatadine Hydrochloride Opthalmic Solution USP, 0.2%, Antihistamine and Thera Tears eye lubricant is what worked very fast, like in one-two days for me to eliminate that nasty, dreadful, irritating red eye itch. You do not appreciate your healthy eyes until you go through suffering that irritating red eye itch ...... it was so itchy b-a-d.
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!

Last edited by fatlazyless; 07-20-2023 at 05:00 AM.
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