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Old 07-06-2023, 05:03 AM   #56
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Unhappy ...... swimming Corcoran's Pond, July 5, 2023

So's, I waded into the 67-degree, cold waters of Corcoran's Pond yesterday, July 5, about 4-pm, air temp 82 or so, warm & humid, ignoring the two NH-DES yellow signs posted into the beach since June 16 with fecal bacteria advisory.

A whole hell of a lot of water was just pouring over the dam, there, and presumably flushing out the pond and hopefully the fecal bacteria from all the recent rain fall.

Looking clean, and clear, the pond water was 67-cold, thermometer measured, with no visible pond scum on the surface that I saw.

This here pond and town public, sandy beach area is totally open to anyone and everyone, has lots of free parking, has decent and clean men's and ladies' rooms down in the basement of the town square, close to Olde Waterville Pizza.

A few people from over on the restaurants' side of the pond gave me a look like hey looky-there ..... someone is in the pond ..... despite the two yellow signs .... but I paid them no-attention and waded around the pond, neck deep, and walked around for a while.

The lady with the small white NH-DES suv is scheduled to return today, July 6 to retest the Corcoran's Pond water, testing positive for fecal bacteria since June 16. The new results go public tomorrow, July 7, so wait and see what happens with this three weeks long and growing, fecal bacteria happening.

I could see ZERO geese or ducks present on 7-acre, Corcoran's resort pond so the origin of this fecal bacteria problem must be a mystery?

This is such a good video ...... Corcoran's Pond and Snow's Brook walking trail with the BAAR Family - summer, 2022 ...... 9:35-time ..... that it's worth a second look.
... down and out, liv'n that Walmart side of the lake!

Last edited by fatlazyless; 07-07-2023 at 04:24 AM.
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