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Old 05-19-2023, 09:40 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by TiltonBB View Post
Obviously to hail another boat within your sight the other boat would need a VHF radio, have it turned on, and be listening to the chatter. VHF radio equipped boats on the lake are a minority now so your chances of success with that are slim.

We had them in the 80's into the 90's and used them mostly to meet up with friends. When cell phones became popular the use of VHF's on Winnipesaukee became minimal and most of my friends stopped even turning them on.

I have a hand held that I use when taking the boat to the ocean like the Vineyard or Nantucket but only use it to arrange docking or call for the launch when using a mooring. I don't even take it on the boat on the lake.
True. But better than what alternative in an emergency? Marine Patrol monitors Ch.16. They don't monitor cell phones.
My VHF capability saved me in two instances sailing on San Francisco bay.
~~~~_/) ~~~
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