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Old 03-11-2023, 05:26 PM   #71
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Originally Posted by sunset on the dock View Post are really on thin ice and totally out of line. Slandering someone who is, in addition to being a professional mariner, a well respected person in his community. Have you no shame? Was this kind of behavior tolerated in the U.S. Army? Would this kind of talk make your Army buddies proud? Are these the lengths you feel you must resort to to prove your point. A man who writes a thorough and thoughtful description of his professional duties and the best you can do is throw out a wild and untrue accusation to try to shore up your poorly conceived opinion of the need for a speed limit. And given that his testimony is a matter of public record such that someone could look it up and mistakenly assume what you allege is correct? You have certainly given us all a vivid insight into your true character. You need to be a bit more circumspect of what you put out there on the public domain. SHAME ON YOU.
Geez, lighten up, Francis!! It was a joke! Although my point is valid in that the testifier loses credibility by categorizing all fast boater as distracted, booze guzzling novices.

I have time now, and this issue is important. I have a few questions for you. Do you even own a power boat? Have you ever gone fast in a power boat?

I have owned power boats most of my adult life. Not fast ones, just family boats. My dad owned boats that would do 60+ MPH for 40 years. His last boat was an Eliminator Daytona 27. It would do 85-90 depending on the wind and the chop. (Interesting fact: you go faster into a slight chop and wind than with the chop and wind.)

Anyway, I had the privilege of driving and being with him going fast. Real fast. Went with him with my wife and my kids when they were young. Never once felt unsafe. My dad (and me when I drove) we’re safe, alert and responsible.

After the implementation of the speed limit, he sold his boat.

I am passionate about the issue since most on the wrong side of the issue have never owned a power boat. They really don’t know what they are talking about.

One so-called expert doesn’t define the issue.

Anyway, one thing I know is true - my side lost the battle and the war. Given NH’s demographics, it is unlikely that we’ll have another shot at it.

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