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Old 03-10-2023, 09:26 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by John Mercier View Post
It is a pricing method designed to create customer efficiency.
Supply/demand is more periodic than in the past... so prices must move up and down more quickly to adapt to the supply-demand ratio.
"Legal price gouging", it's no different than if you had a load of 2x4's and no one else had them, so you jack up the price because you can.
The Red Sox do this now, a ticket to see the Yankees play the Sox is much higher than going to watch a crappy team, for the same seat, "legal price gouging,"
$12.00 for a beer, "legal price gouging".
You may call it something different but I call it what it is, "legal price gouging".
They don't allow gas stations to "price gouge" when they have the supply and other stations don't, because that's a product that everyone needs on a daily basis.
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