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Old 01-13-2023, 12:30 PM   #55
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Default Interim operation?

In early posts, it was noted by town officials that the current food prep area won't pass inspection. It was also stated that the new building, if authorized by Town Meeting would not be operational until an uncertain date in 2024.
There hasn't been much discussion about interim plans for this year and possibly 2024. (Food trucks? A food truck has no overhead for the town, hiring employees that are in short supply, etc).
Also, not much discussion about operating costs.
Financing alternatives haven't had much discussion either. If this has been in the CIP for a few years, why hasn't a Capital Reserve Fund been established for this project? Locally, we've used CRF for many years to keep the tax rate stable, and plan for future needs, from ambulance to salt shed and Milfoil control. Another alternative: the BOS has the authority to enter into leases and you can do a lease/buy for 5 years, putting funds into the budget which requires a majority vote instead of the super majority needed for a bond.
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