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Old 01-05-2023, 10:23 AM   #47
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Originally Posted by TiltonBB View Post
Mace is hardly used anymore, pepper spray is prevalent now. However, it doesn't always work, especially when drugs are involved. If a subject with a knife is charging you, pepper spray or a baton would not be the weapon of choice. If a taser doesn't stop the threat then a firearm may be the only option left.

Again, we won't know what happened until all the facts are in and the body camera recordings are processed. Decisions have to be made in split seconds and sometimes people are all too willing to blame the police for their actions. That is unfortunate. Unless you were there you will never understand the stress and the threat involved in this or similar situations.
You can get a pretty good idea of how quickly things happen on youtube from dash and badge cam video. It's frightening.

There is also video of cops losing their cool and either firing through fear or rage when they probably shouldn't have. Plus at least one case of a cop thinking she was firing her taser but actually firing her gun. I doubt any of this is the case here, but it happens.

The reality is that what works in the movies does not work in real life.
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