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Old 12-17-2022, 12:33 PM   #35
John Mercier
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Nebraska, because electric rates are always political in that State, keeps an archive of across the board rankings (residential and commercial pro-rated).

For 2005, they have NH ranked as more expensive than CT.
NH 12.53 CT 12.06

But when NP was proposed in 2011...
NH 14.74 CT 16.35

In 2019, when Eversource abandoned any hope of NP...
NH 17.15 CT 18.66

For the last full year (2021)...
NH 17.37 CT 18.32

So the anti-NP argument that the electricity would most likely be sold into the higher CT market, according to the numbers holds true. Obviously, it does not take into consideration that electricity is fungible, and that more sourcing with static demand should essentially make prices go down. But the base argument presented by the opposition was reasonable based on the data at hand.

You can also find the other States there...
But I expect that NH's ranking will hurt this year... and next.
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