Thread: Infrared heat
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Old 10-20-2022, 11:30 AM   #97
John Mercier
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It is quite cost effective as compared to heating the building or a room that is not easy to heat by other means.

The reason that you see so many camps/cottages/condos in NH with electric space heating *usually not the small space heaters* is the cost to install was so much lower, and the maintenance nearly none existent.

When the structure was to be used late in the season or annually, the electric heaters would only be used as a backup to the primary (usually a wood stove).

I know several homes in the area that have that, and before being changed out... all three of our family cottages worked that way.

Each room could be turned on or off, and plumbing was highly centralized with interior ''wet walls''.

While temperature control was very precise... it was a lot of thermostats... and since once the cottages got used for more than the summer, the electric became a secondary.

I ripped some of the radiant out of the ceilings, but left it in the bathroom floor and walls.
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